作者: QQren (QQ) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Carlisle Agrees To Four-Year Deal With
時間: Wed May 16 10:17:29 2012
Carlisle Agrees To Four-Year Deal With Mavericks
May 15, 2012 3:05 PM EDT
Rick Carlisle has agreed to a four-year contract to remain head coach of the
Carlisle led Dallas to the 2011 NBA Championship, but followed that up with a
four-game exit in the first round of the 2012 Playoffs.
"We are excited that Rick will be back with the Mavericks for at least the
next four years," owner Mark Cuban said in a statement. "He is a proven
winner, a great teacher and a coach that will help the Mavericks improve as a
team and as an organization."
Carlisle has a .635 winning percentage with the Mavericks.
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◆ From:
推 aa7063018 :好主帥 不推嗎? 05/16 10:21
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推 clarge :同意2F 尤其小牛在雷霆主場的2場比賽都很刺激 05/16 10:34
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→ Skabo :現在看來小牛只是季賽順位太差 實力還是有的... 05/16 10:49
→ hss512 :金凱瑞是學院派的頂尖教練 05/16 10:58
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→ deathscytheX:小牛如果不簽會不會被湖人下一季簽走XD (MB:麥啦~~) 05/16 14:49
- May 17 Thu 2012 04:07
[外絮] Carlisle Agrees To Four-Year Deal With