作者: loserkobe (喪家犬科比) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] 女球迷大喊:World Peace 我們恨你!
時間: Tue May 15 18:42:20 2012

"World Peace, we hate you!" a woman sitting courtside bellowed midway through
the third quarter.

一位坐在場邊女球迷在第三節中間的時候大喊 "World Peace 我們恨你!"

It was the first meeting between the teams since World Peace elbowed James
Harden in the side of the head on April 22, earning a seven-game suspension
and the hatred of Thunder fans.

自從World Peace肘擊Harden後 World Peace不僅被禁賽七場 還被雷霆迷視為全民公敵

This time, World Peace and the Lakers didn't put up much of a fight

但今晚的World Peace和湖人一下子就被打倒了

The small forward had 12 points, two rebounds and two assists in 32 minutes
during the Lakers' 119-90 defeat, departing for good with 10 minutes 9
seconds left in the fourth quarter.

World Peace also left the court shortly thereafter. He said he had to use the
bathroom, the Lakers having long since given up any chance at a victory.

World Peace上場32分鐘 得了12分 2籃板 2助攻 在第四節還剩10分9秒時

他離開場上去洗澡 反正湖人早就放棄比賽 剩下的都是垃圾時間了

The same player who was so pugnacious a little more than three weeks ago
turned evasive when he met with reporters after the game.

在三個禮拜前 World Peace 還雄赳赳氣昂昂的 今晚比賽一結束他看到記者馬上迴避

"Right now is about basketball," World Peace said. "I think after the season,
if the fans want to talk to me, tweet me or email me at or go
to my podcast, 'The Ron and Metta Show,' after the season we can talk about

"現在我的腦中只有籃球 我想季後賽結束後 如果粉絲想要跟我說話 可以推特我

或E-mail到 或到我ipod broadcast的The Ron and Metta Show

等這個這一切都結束後 我們可以聊一下"

Did the booing bother him?

那麼這些噓聲有沒有影響到World Peace呢?

"There's a lot of great-looking women in the stands booing," World Peace
said, prompting a female Thunder employee recording the interview to roll her
eyes. "I'm like 'Wow, you are beautiful.'"

"有很多正妹在場邊噓我 我想說對她們的是(哇~妳好正唷)"

World Peace對採訪他的雷霆女記者說

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◆ From:
serendipity :勝過被說好人的__迷。 05/15 18:43
Atwo :流川楓 流川楓 05/15 18:43
ARODisGod :女球迷大喊:Kobe 我們愛你! 05/15 18:43
shyshy :阿泰:我拐子勃了 05/15 18:44
stocktonty :他會想跟女球迷握手嗎? 05/15 18:46
eyeshieldZI : 哇~妳好正唷 XDDDD 05/15 18:47
steven610381:HARDEN活跳跳 05/15 18:49
s66449 05/15 18:49
ReallyKobe :未看先猜柯比救援XDDDDDD 05/15 18:57
sepr8y99 :湖人隊的素質 不意外 05/15 18:59
kaj1983 :哈登女人緣比窩屁好XDD 05/15 19:00
l04 :丹佛服務生之後 換雷霆女球迷~ 05/15 19:05
kaj1983 :湖人全隊都不得女人緣的樣子XDD 05/15 19:08
blueslovetw :"World Peace 我們恨你!" XDD 05/15 19:19
kobesuck :也可以寄信給Kobe 05/15 19:26
AngeLucifer :+1 05/15 19:27
blueslovetw :可能漁夫有機會讓雷霆迷喜歡吧..到時被說是棄暗投明? 05/15 19:39
Rocobiceps :世平談笑泯恩仇~ 05/15 19:57
doglegbow :看到最後一句,怎麼會讓我想到香吉士XD 05/15 20:11
beetleshop :可以伸女記者圖嗎XD 05/15 20:11
nuturewind :好可憐 05/15 20:14
dioliv :哈哈~~阿泰應該走諧星的 05/15 20:16
Js1233 :我恨我愛你 05/15 20:23
nsmmsn :哇~妳好正唷 XDDDDDD 05/15 20:32
RonArtest :Q_Q 我也想要有女球迷 05/15 20:35
det6875 :不跟板凳握手 完全被打臉 慘輸快30分 05/15 21:00
KillLakers :LaoDa快幫忙報仇阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/15 21:15
chainlu :不要以為他不會打觀眾 05/15 22:51
wurenben :他應該回答:我一向很有女人緣的,尤其是選美佳麗 05/15 22:52


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