作者: ookkla (寅) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] 噴火龍受傷
時間: Mon May 14 11:35:15 2012
Heat's Bosh leaves Game 1 with abdominal injury
MIAMI (AP) -- Heat center Chris Bosh missed the second half of the opening
game of Miami's Eastern Conference semifinal series against the Indiana
Pacers on Sunday because of what the team called a lower abdominal injury.
was in a little bit of pain going into the locker room," Heat coach Erik
Spoelstra said. "We won't know until we get an MRI."
Ronny Turiaf started the second half in Bosh's place. Joel Anthony and Turiaf
combined got 13 points and 10 rebounds on 6-for-8 shooting for the Heat, who
took Game 1 of the series 95-86.
Bosh scored 13 points on 6-for-11 shooting in the first half, the last three
of those points coming with 1:06 remaining after a dunk while getting fouled
by Indiana's Roy Hibbert. Bosh remained down for a few moments, then got up
slowly and made his free throw.
While going back down to the defensive end, Bosh started limping and grabbing
at his midsection. He eventually fell to his knees in pain, and was replaced
by Turiaf with 43.6 seconds left. Bosh was grimacing as he walked toward the
Heat locker room for evaluation, and the team announced the diagnosis of his
injury during intermission.
With Bosh out, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade combined to score 42 of Miami's
53 points in the second half, outscoring the Pacers by themselves. Indiana
managed only 38 points in the second half.
"I knew I was first or second option," Wade said. "I was just trying to be
more aggressive. They did a great job of getting me the ball. I was able to
make the shots."
Bosh averaged 15 points per game on 51 percent shooting in Miami's
first-round win over the Knicks. He played in 57 of Miami's 66 regular-season
games this season, missing three because of a death in his family and the
last six games before the playoffs with a hamstring problem.
James to Bosh : MVP獎座可以交易太陽隊醫嗎?
說好的娶某前 生子後呢?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ zealeliot :Bosh要是傷了 熱火奪冠機會...... 05/14 11:36
推 eyeshieldZI : 降0.001% 05/14 11:36
推 zxcv3147 :會增加吧 05/14 11:36
→ gaiser :溜馬有機會了 05/14 11:36
推 tBeer :會有人放鴕鳥圖嗎? XD 05/14 11:36
→ rainingdayz :這個球季的賽程真的太傷球員了 史騰真的是.......... 05/14 11:36
推 bredka :沒差 05/14 11:37
推 dioib :溜馬運氣真好 05/14 11:37
→ possible322 :完蛋了 熱火要變強了... 05/14 11:37
→ max52001 :熱火還需要BOSH穩定的中距離牽制 05/14 11:38
→ jackthegreat:有呂布跟張遼 熱火還是一樣威猛 不差一個高順 05/14 11:38
※ 編輯: ookkla 來自: (05/14 11:38)
推 Asce :糟糕了@@ 05/14 11:38
→ ko232 :摸肚子~我以為又是腸胃炎... 05/14 11:39
噓 xxyyzz4901 :反正火迷都把龍王當戰犯或拖油瓶 BOSH受傷火迷高潮 05/14 11:39
推 jason79718 :嘴巴怎麼可以這麼開阿... 05/14 11:39
→ chinhan1216 :沒Bosh 熱火奪冠機率應該下降個50啪吧 05/14 11:39
→ edison377 :哈哈 高順~~~ 05/14 11:40
推 Laevatein98 :xxyyzz4901不是火迷 少在那亂想 05/14 11:40
推 kullan :沒有高順 要過溜馬應該還是沒問題的 05/14 11:40
推 peace1way :bosh對熱火算滿重要的,尤其是他的中距離 05/14 11:40
推 iwgpg1ghc :某x不要在那邊亂講 這樣很難看 05/14 11:41
→ airsoar :連生化人部隊都開始出現傷兵了嗎 05/14 11:41
推 kinanson :我論熱火失去bosh就像湖人失去kobe一樣 05/14 11:41
推 freijaking :Hibbert可以強暴禁區嗎,進ASG應該要有這種能耐了。 05/14 11:41
推 Otsukaerika :陷陣營要休息了嗎 05/14 11:41
推 jackthegreat: 金屬疲勞 在所難免 05/14 11:42
推 doiverson :BOSH很強好嘛... 05/14 11:42
推 peter16 :少了BOSH最好沒差 XD 05/14 11:42
推 Amilous :二哥受傷 小弟Wade要加把勁 05/14 11:42
推 nowistzki :陷陣之志 永不言退~~ 05/14 11:42
推 peace1way :熱火禁區已經很薄弱了,最好是少了bosh會沒差啦 05/14 11:43
推 xajx :公牛: 熱火要來陪我了嗎? ^_< 05/14 11:43
推 sxing6326 :有夠草莓 05/14 11:45
推 djviva :推仍有呂布&張遼~ 高順好好養傷吧 05/14 11:46
→ xxyyzz4901 :去年季後賽輸球不是怪濕婆就是怪BOSH 今年? 05/14 11:46
推 albert0208 :我覺得~~~差很多 少了禁區牽制力 溜馬應該很開心 05/14 11:46
推 wii128 :大哥和三弟 有龍陽之癖阿 05/14 11:46
推 d86012005 :... 05/14 11:47
推 mabirex :溜馬真會弄傷別隊得球員 厲害 05/14 11:47
→ xxyyzz4901 :BOSH這個苦工角色不是JA或替補可以當的 05/14 11:47
推 apinky1031 :火迷哪有龍王當戰犯或拖油瓶 05/14 11:48
→ apinky1031 :反而大家都知道他為球隊犧牲很多 05/14 11:48
→ FSGuitar :少了BOSH才是最令人擔心的吧... 05/14 11:48
→ FSGuitar :熱火的禁區已經夠慘了 現在還沒有BOSH 05/14 11:48
→ apinky1031 :火迷哪有"把"龍王當戰犯或拖油瓶....更正一下 05/14 11:49
推 idiotsmart :有人就愛反串引戰阿 火迷很感謝Bosh的 05/14 11:49
推 hsshkisskiss:Bosh要是傷了 熱火大概不太樂觀...@@ 05/14 11:49
推 douglasyeh :草莓龍 05/14 11:49
噓 RichWomen : 策略拉,下一輪對超賽BOSHvsKG是關鍵 所以先休息 05/14 11:51
→ RichWomen : LBJ+Wade輪姦溜馬就行惹 溜馬程度太差 05/14 11:52
→ RichWomen : XD 05/14 11:52
推 Amilous :曹豹受傷了> < 05/14 11:53
推 jorden :溜馬還是會被sweep 05/14 11:53
推 analysis :某x家的日曆還停在2011年 科科.......... 05/14 11:53
推 kerkersoul :Bosh是娘泡沒差吧....他禁區從來沒硬過阿......... 05/14 11:54
推 vanson37 :打溜馬就先讓Bosh休息啦 東區決賽再出來就好了 05/14 11:57
推 micsue :還是會SWEEP啊 05/14 11:59
推 Otsukaerika :某X真不知想幹嗎 05/14 12:00
→ sxing6326 :戰略性休息 他是拿來對付老塞KG的秘密武器 05/14 12:03
推 ej3xl3284 :熱火雙王要開無雙了?? 05/14 12:06
推 cjxx :講的超賽晉級了一樣 雖然超賽真的是篤定晉級XDD 05/14 12:06
推 chinhan1216 :認真講少BOSH要過溜馬還不是問題 但是下一輪可能就掰 05/14 12:07
→ a52080035 :禁區少一個最好是沒差啦... 難不成寶傑打4號!? 05/14 12:08
→ shadow0326 :下一輪是超賽或76 等級跟溜馬也沒差多少 05/14 12:09
→ tco :欺敵策略,熱火三王受傷都會大爆發 05/14 12:10
→ tco :已LBJ的能力,一個COVER兩個他在季賽已經做到了 05/14 12:10
推 jojoagogo :其實熱火最強是lbj+bosh的時候 05/14 12:11
→ tco :三王都是樂傷越猛,六碼不被橫掃就是贏 05/14 12:12
→ GTR34 :這樣大概一週就能好的傷...沒差吧.. 05/14 12:12
推 im155077 :希望不要變的跟公牛一樣 05/14 12:12
推 gotohikaru :比後段車隊退賽還沒影響力 也不會出SC之類的 05/14 12:12
→ gazelle74 :阿哩 熱火少一個影帝 05/14 12:13
推 bbotest :光一個詹皇 要把大家帶到 東區冠軍 只是基本的 05/14 12:14
→ max52001 :雙王如果都傷 寶傑就要開啟騎士模式了 05/14 12:15
→ GsJames :陷陣營 不可敗! (衝完就半血GG) 05/14 12:18
→ WowProctor :http://youtu.be/MdKEqEp0I-0 05/14 12:19
推 murray5566 :bosh:我先休息一下 總冠軍戰再出來 05/14 12:24
推 azndevil26 :少了他的防守 溜馬反而更難打.... 05/14 12:26
推 scorpion2272:NICE 05/14 12:26
推 auron4041 :少了高順的陷陣營 只能要呂布多開無雙了 05/14 12:27
推 cedy4513 :少了噴火龍拿不到冠軍,不就表示: 05/14 12:28
推 akakbest :看標題難道鴕鳥受傷了? 05/14 12:28
推 galaxyAAA : 會是大晴天 05/14 12:29
推 louis152334 : 小智哭哭 05/14 12:29
推 murray5566 :小智本來就沒靠噴火龍阿 噴火龍都放生了 05/14 12:36
推 hss512 :少了奧斯卡最佳男配角 05/14 12:38
→ y800122155 :如果今年沒拿冠軍就證明 劉寶傑沒靠寶貝龍拿不到冠軍 05/14 12:42
推 liafree :人型看板 有沒有沒差吧 05/14 12:48
推 stocktonty :有呂布跟典偉 少一個鮑信沒差 05/14 12:48
推 tunahyde :再這樣也是個高順阿 05/14 12:57
推 Non :這種傷勢應該Day to Day吧 05/14 12:58
推 Powar :皇太后表示: 05/14 13:02
推 minoru04 :挖A噴火龍勒? 只剩水箭龜啦 05/14 13:15
推 kgii :看來下一輪要被KG打爆囉 05/14 13:17
推 mbawen :呂布張寮眼裡,Bosh是宋憲吧 05/14 13:22
→ luxypinkian :只有宋憲等級也太慘了吧... 05/14 13:23
→ HiddenWave :老大,沒有馬我們依然是陷陣營阿! 05/14 13:35
推 camelot0603 :傷的研究熱火就掰了 05/14 13:58
→ camelot0603 : 嚴重 05/14 13:58
推 loloa :bosh傷了更好 熱火最強的時候是皇帝打4號位的時候 05/14 13:59
→ loloa :三號位 熱火超擠 05/14 14:00
推 kb81 :good 05/14 14:01
推 eeqqww112233:Q_____________Q 05/14 14:30
→ QueenJames6 :跟湖人少了Gasol差不多 沒影響 05/14 14:32
推 Proakis :人家受傷 說good是啥意思阿 某迷真是不意外耶 05/14 14:37
推 Minagi2005 :少了Bosh差超多... 05/14 14:40
推 samtony :============Lao-Da今年又要奪冠了================= 05/14 15:04
推 hater4life :少Bosh差超多的耶 0.0 05/14 15:05
推 maming :熱火掰!!~~~不送囉!!!~~~~ 05/14 15:05
推 kobed :在傷下去冠軍賽真的要變3打3了wwww 05/14 15:17
推 hater4life :陷陣營很強耶 05/14 15:23
→ hater4life :那陳宮是濕婆嗎?! 05/14 15:24
推 a00779928 :呂布是LBJ還是WADE? 誰是二哥張遼? 張遼最後會去 05/14 15:27
→ a00779928 :會去曹操那 曹操是誰? 夏侯惇又是誰? 夏侯淵又是誰? 05/14 15:29
推 handsomecat :東冠超賽入手^^ 05/14 16:01
推 gondonkyo :a00779928大你想得太遠了.... 05/14 16:26
→ aaronpwyu :James to Bosh : MVP獎座可以交易太陽隊醫嗎 XD 05/14 16:32
→ aaronpwyu :有沒有MVP可以到處交易的八卦 05/14 16:32
推 cviescvies :陷陣營的跟我來! 05/14 16:45
推 momowawa1981:高順:我的兵只許戰死 不許餓死 05/14 16:49
噓 lucky70121 :推 bredka :沒差 <--最好少了Bosh沒差 等著被打臉 05/14 17:17
推 xxyyzz4901 :BOSH整季沒什麼病痛 偏偏這時候.. 希望趕快好 05/14 17:18
噓 white75724 :挖欸噴火龍勒? 擱五雪拉比耶 05/14 18:55
→ nenini :太小看Bosh了吧 少他打起來差很多 跟阿嬤那種不能比 05/14 21:08
推 IamJack1 :好痛阿 這張好好笑XDDDD 05/14 23:03
推 heacoun :P4 3.0EG 05/14 23:44
- May 15 Tue 2012 09:47
[外絮] 噴火龍受傷